Saturday, May 22, 2010

No PVP Yet

While we did not PVP tonight, we did get TLDNR and KTALGSTO up to level 10 and are attempting to establish the guild on the Horde side. This has proven to be a bit more difficult than the Alliance side at this point due to people wanting a lot more gold for 10-15 minutes of their time. But in the end thanks to some very nice and helpful people we were able to get it up and running. At the moment we have 8 members, not sure how many will stay or leave, but we welcome anyone that chooses to stick around and have some fun. Hopefully this weekend will be the beginning of a great project.

If any of our new recruits on the horde side are reading this, I just want to say welcome and I hope to go into Cataclysm with you all.

If you don't want to play horde and prefer to play alliance, remember we have a guild on the alliance side as well.

Alliance Guild Name is TakingBackPVPdotBlogspot

Horde Guild Name is TakingBackPVPdotBIogspot

(Horde has a capital i and Alliance has the lowercase L )

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