Sunday, May 23, 2010

More PVP, Horde Side

We came back to the horde a few hours later. And low and behold, Warsong Gulch Perfection. And the most amazing part is we started the BG with only 2 level 15's as our highest level characters in the group. most were sub 13. KTALGSTO decided to go with the PVP tip of the week and played full support for our FC, and did great. I was the only healing class in the BG so I stayed with our FC and luckily we were able to fend off about 6 people.

Second attempt, we had half the group at level 18+ and due to one persons attitude towards low levels participating, and due to his own inability to communicate the whole team was drug to the floor. We lost 3-0. Oh and the hunter/rogue combination taking people out at the bottom of our GY.

P.S.: I would like to let everyone know that yes, you do get XP from BG's. (this was in fact an argument provided as to why level 10-15 shouldn't be in BG's)

But we persist we are setting out to change these types of attitudes, to get people to understand that BG's are not for level 18 & 19's with the highest quality of gear anymore. BG's are for everyone, and a great way to progress through the levels. To be absolutely honest I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing more low level PVP gear available in Cataclysm to start equalizing this attitude.

The rest started with a better attitude but we still lost. Though we are progressing through out level at a steady pace.

Tomorrow I will be writing an article as to why BG's should be shrunk down to a 5 level bracket instead of the current 10.

We are now openly recruiting on both sides, no level requirement and encourage all players that enjoy a PVP based environment for leveling. Also watch for our guild rules post this week.

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