Sunday, May 23, 2010

Horde & Alliance PVP Today

This morning we went in and did some PVP on the horde side. Since we were only level 11 and about 6/10 of the WSG group were below level 15, it was pretty much a slaughter. So, we decided to take advantage of this and jumped over to Chrgr and Tinibubbles to see how we would fair on that side.

And guess what... Warsong Gulch Perfection was attained. And I made an enemy. Despite being killed by a Lock a level 18 shaman made it his mission for the last round of the BG to kill me. I am so flattered.

Go figure, the second run we had the typical "to many chiefs and to many illiterates". Most people were staying infront of our base while only a couple people were trying to take out the enemy flag carrier. Then two different strategies were being vocalized and not confirmed.

PVP Tip of the Week: When a low level in the bracket, try your best to slow down the EFC or anyone pursuing your flag carrier rather than trying to be some hero and taking out a top level opponent. If you can pick off someone your own level, do so, but not at the expense of the flag carriers. You can be vital, you just have to know your role in the game. DPS is for raiding and instances, control is for PVP.

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