Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lure of the Fire Festival

Why is it, whenever a Holiday comes around with PVP centered events, PVP centric people become in high demand despite 90% of the locations not requiring any real PVP?

I have found that I am often requested to assist in PVP centric events due to my aggressive take charge nature that keeps me coming back and trying to kill the opposing faction. I didn't require doing any of the Fire Festival stuff this year on my main, yet I have participated in about 2/3 of the actual events, including assaulting each of the opposing factions major cities. Which only Undercity required any real PVP, the rest were just guards, this included Orgrimmar which did have people guarding the flame, but they focused on me and not my companions, making it very easy to deal with.

Now I'm not complaining I love PVP, especially world PVP, I only plan on PVE realms for the ease of leveling through quests (which I despise), and the fact that there are less people camping certain locations that I enjoy gathering (when I enjoy gathering). So, when the next holiday with PVP centric events comes around I recommend all of you take charge murder's offer your services to the less fortunate (for a nominal fee of course).

I'm sorry....

With real life getting in the way this week and my schedule being completely blown I have not had the time to finish the "special surprise" I had promised earlier in the week. I am still hoping to get it done but in a little be longer time frame.

Thanks for your patiences guys.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Much RL...

There has been a lot of RL happening lately. Being Unemployed in RL is annoying and I am also trying to change industries. So hopefully through the weekend I can get another post our two up, and maybe some more PVP time with video's!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WSG at level 11

Video of last nights fun and games

OMG... I'm Dying

No not in PVP (that's pretty typical actually, me and the Spirit Healer even have a secret hand shake at this point). I just got back from getting my new mountain bike and I ended up riding 7+ miles home.

Here's a little secret... I haven't ridden a bike in over 6 years, and when I did at that time it was just down to the "corner store" about 4 blocks away, and no they weren't long blocks. So in all reality I haven't rode a bike with any serious intent in over 12 years. And today I decided "I'm super-duper I can ride 7 miles! No problem!" ok, just letting everyone know. PROBLEM!!! And what's sick is I've lined myself up to go for the rest of the week to and from appointments in our town on this bike! that's at a minimum of 7 miles each way! Totaling 14+ miles a day!

I officially request an application to be committed. But anyways, I'm home and I am prepping to get the video from last night in order to be able to post it on Youtube, so hopefully I will have another post coming out later this evening. Though I'm going to pre-apologize I only have Microsoft Movie Editor at the moment, I am cheap and I haven't found a really good Open Source option to utilize, so if anyone has any advice hit me up at

Monday, June 21, 2010

Moar PVP

We made our way into WSG on Chrgr and Tinibubbles again this evening. Had one miserable failure and then a pretty decent, we were up against evenly leveled opponents and I had some fun chasing down level 14 hunters and teaching them what the backside of a warriors hand feels like as I pimp slapped them.

Having a pocket healer is so awesome!

I also got some video of the 2nd encounter. As well as a screen shot of the winning team. Those will be in a post tomorrow!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Special Treat

For those that have stumbled across this blog so far, I apologize that I have had to take about a week off, things have gotten real hectic in reality, but hopefully I will be smoothing them out in short order. Also I am hoping to have a special treat so keep and eye out for that in the very near future, Also expect a revival of the Level 29 Arena teams concepts. So stay tuned, I'll definitely be back.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cross Battlegroup BG's?!

Wow is all I have to say.

While sifting through many articles I actually stumbled across this one after reading about the War Games article.

Yet another post by Mr. Tom Chilton that sends chills down my spine. I am now waiting for him to say that BG's will be in brackets of 5 levels (which with the level cap being 85 still makes sense to me).

We're currently expecting both normal and rated battlegrounds to be cross-battlegroup (within a region) for the launch of Cataclysm. So, players queueing from anywhere in North America (for example) could play vs players on any North American battlegroup, etc. This applies to all regions, not just North America.

War Games


I'm back, kind of.

There will probably be a bit of a delay on any more PVP related posts due to a compatibility issue with windows 7 and my wireless card, at the moment I am posting from my laptop which, while great for browsing and posting to my blog, isn't that great for WoW. Can we say 13 FPS in the middle of the night when no-one is on?

Well, aside from that I am happy to make mention of something I stumbled across on the blog, pertaining to a War Games style PvP option that may come sometime in Cataclysm. Now remember, they haven't said it's for sure, but rather "something they are working on". Remember dance studios?

Here's the quote from Tom Chilton:

Q u o t e:

Too bad. Cross-server BGs were one of the things that, while convenient, overall have hurt the game and it's sense of community.

At least an option to only queue on-server would be nice.

We're simultaneously working on a "war games" mode for battlegrounds that allows groups to challenge other groups to a battle in a specific battleground (including horde vs horde and alliance vs alliance). Granted, the rewards aren't significant, but it's more for players to be able to have fun battling their guildmates and friends or for players on a server to throw down for the sake of pride and bragging rights.
... You'll still only be grouped with players of your language, although your opponents can be from whatever part of the region, regardless of language.

This is very exciting news for anyone that likes organized PvP and has been wanting some more organization in BG's, especially with rated BG's coming into play in Cataclysm.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2 days of no PVP

I don't believe we will be able to get into any BG's and I think we will be lucky to even get online tomorrow, but maybe Thursday. I am finally giving in and installing Windows 7 on our computers. So wish me luck.

Boo to Playitall Media Player

Well, there was going to be a video... I say was because when I went to go preview it I realized it was FREAKIN HUGE (4gb which is max for AVI). So I went on a search for a good program to chop it up and make pretty macaroni art out of it. But anyways, during my search I stumbled across a video player boasting to be able to play larger AVI files. So I downloaded it, ran virus scan etc. It was clean... CLEAN. But, it still didn't work. I'm not one to keep a program around if it's not going to do the job I've tasked it for, so I went and uninstalled it. Well without any warning of "you should close everything before uninstalling" or anything like that, it proceeded to punch holes in my registry pertaining to ALL of my file associations. I was unable to run any .exe files, .com files or any other software files, I was able to open pictures, but that was about it. I couldn't even run regedit or get to the command prompt from Start>Run. Luckily for me I still had firefox open and was able to locate a help file that had some registry files to reallocate file associations. This worked, for the most part.

This morning I went back to searching. And I came across yet another realization. It also corrupted my avi file association and all of my Windows Media Player codec's.

So I say Boo to you Mr. PlayItAll coder. And I recommend anyone who has this get rid of it, but be very careful about it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

PVPing evening of 6/6

So we were able to attempt 3 BG's in out 90 minute time frame on Chrgr and Tinibubbles. This was very interesting as the first one was against a 5 man Horde premade (didn't realize they still existed). The 2nd had a warrior on our side that decided the level 10 was a better flag carrier than him (a level 19 warrior with Ress BoA gear). Both were miserable losses. Tini didn't want to continue, but I smoothed it over and suggested we do just 1 more cause I was certain I would hit level 11 if we did.

So we ventured into the third and final battleground of the night. All but two people were level 15 or below, this did my heart good to see so many low levels trying to attain some experience through PvP, what else did my heart good was that there were only 3 people from the same server on the Horde side. Well the two level 19's went straight for the flag, one branched off and started picking off low level horde while myself and Tini followed the level 19 priest to the flag, he picked it up and we covered his attempt to go cap. Well during this time the Horde had gotten our flag. But by the time we had gotten back to base someone had reclaimed it and we capped. 2nd Horde flag snatch happened within seconds and as I was approaching the base of the Horde GY I suddenly saw a hunter in a pink dress careening past us. At first I was like "GO GO!!" and all excited, then suddenly I realized this person was blinking and wasn't stopping with the speed. Not to mention they didn't have the speed buff from the main tunnel. My suspicions were confirmed when someone else asked what the deal was with the speed hack. Upon further watching this person as they ran back out of our base to drop the flag right infront of the Horde base it was confirmed that they indeed were using a speed hack, and indeed was wearing all white gear and one of those pieces was nothing more than a pink dress.

Hopefully I will have the video up on Youtube by the time this goes out, or within a day from it. We did win, but I feel a little dirty about our second cap, but the other two captures were 100% legit! AND we did in fact ding to level 11 tonight. So after Memorial Day weekend and a bit of a tough week on our mains we are back in the swing of things.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Real Quick

I want to give a shout out to Gelvin over at Greedy Goblin. He has done something many would consider impossible. He has assembled a group of people of such substantial quality that they are officially clearing ICC 10 in all blue gear. They have done Naxx, Ulduar, ToC, Ony, and now are working on progression through ICC10, they have downed all 4 bosses from Storming the Citadel and then moved on to down Rotface and Festergut, and then last night they downed the Blood Council. To many this is an amazing feat, where others are probably still non-believers. I truly wish I was on a EU account each time I get these posts. BUT, I would like to mention that there is a US version still trying to get under way. You can find them by following this link. I am personally a part of it but truly I think we need more supporters on the US side, so if you have any interest in making WoW history in the US, take Gelvin's Undergeared guild as a motivation, come get your blue gear and help us start working on content on US-Forgotten Coast-[A]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Twilight Highlands: Twin Peaks

I am very excited that they just released the information for this amazing looking battleground! Check it out for yourself here:

Located within the Twilight Highlands, the Twin Peaks remains a crucial point of high ground for staging effective and debilitating attacks against the black dragonflight and the Twilight's Hammer, who dominate this foreboding environment. And now, two previous occupants of the nearby city of Grim Batol vie once again for control of the peaks' defenses. The Wildhammer clan, architects and original owners of the once-great fortress city, maintains some operations in forested outposts of the highlands. The Wildhammers now call upon heroes of the Alliance to help claim the peaks and fend off the Dragonmaw orcs. The Dragonmaw clan, having spent years working to enslave red dragons, once again provides strategic importance to the Horde. As the Dragonmaw and Wildhammers fight for territory they once called home, the Alliance and Horde carry out the struggle to control the Twin Peaks.

Capture the Flag
Twin Peaks is a new 10 vs. 10, capture-the-flag-style battleground. Much like in Warsong Gulch, players must work to dominate variable terrain, infiltrate the enemy base, and steal the enemy flag, returning it to their fortress while remaining in control of their own flag. The first faction to capture three enemy flags before time expires will win the battle.

Dominating the Terrain
Although the Wildhammer and Dragonmaw bases are virtually identical, the terrain surrounding each base is not. Players will need to work to control an asymmetrical field where the mountain peaks are divided by a valley river. A single bridge over the river serves as a choke point in the center of the map; although deep, the river can be crossed. On either side of the river sits an outpost where temporary character enhancements can be claimed. In addition, tree stumps and rocks throughout the valley create strategic points for you to use line of sight to your advantage. To prevent absolute domination by one faction through its control of the enemy graveyard, the Horde and Alliance players resurrected in Twin Peaks will spawn from one of two graveyards per faction.

Wildhammer Longhouse
Serving as the Alliance stronghold in the north, the Wildhammer Longhouse hovers above the valley, atop a series of plateaus. With three entrances to the complex, players have two primary means of reaching the longhouse: scaling the plateaus to the northwest, or using the stairwell up the middle in order to access any of the three openings. Be careful, though! Falling or being knocked off the cliff can not only cause damage, but it can also hinder a successful offensive against or defense of the base.

Dragonmaw Clan Compound
Acting as the Horde base in the south, the Dragonmaw Clan Compound sits over a body of water into which the valley's river feeds. With three entrances to the compound, players have a few means of getting inside. One entrance on the southeast side requires riding up an incline and crossing a knee-deep river. A second entrance is through a water pipeline leading from the surrounding lake, while the main entrance can be accessed via a bridge over the waterfront. You'll want to be aware of your surroundings when you use the main entrance, though, because players can be knocked down into the water, slowing their advance or crippling their defense.

Those who seek to control Twin Peaks will face an intense battle. The lands surrounding this ever-troubled location are key strategic strongholds of Deathwing and all of his followers. The Twilight Highlands are as rich with history as they are fraught with disaster and tragedy. Will the Dragonmaw clan, reinforced by Garrosh's Horde, take control? Or will it be the Wildhammer dwarves, reunited with their Ironforge brethren and accepted into the Alliance, who seize the peaks?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Goal for Tomorrow...

I have set up a goal for myself for tomorrow. It will be to get fraps going and ready to start doing some video's. I will also be setting up a YouTube channel, so be prepared for that!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guild Rules

Here are the rules for both guilds, we like to think that most people that would join a social environment would be able to follow the basics of common sense, so these are going to just be basic outlines and can/will be elaborated on as needed.

  1. If you cannot resolve an issue as civilized adults both parties will likely be dismissed from the guild. We are all here to enjoy our time on the game, not put up with drama.
  2. While PvP is encouraged it is not mandatory.
  3. If you sign up for a premade you are expected to show up, even if you are on standby.
  4. Constructive criticism is welcomed, flaming is not.
  5. Offenses will result in one of two disciplinary actions, 1st - you will be spoken to by one of the officers. 2nd - you will be removed from the guild. Some offenses may be deemed worthy of going straight to a gkick, but we would rather resolve the issues as adults.
  6. If you have accepted a premade invitation and do not show you will be put on standby for 2 weeks afterward.

Guild Bank / Item Enhancements:

The guild bank will not be used to store your personal items, or items that are not pertinent to PvP. All items that go into the guild bank will be purchasable through an officer. Many of us have professions that have item enhancements as craftables. These item enhancements will be purchasable based on 6x vendor value.

Established events:

All guild events should have invites started at least 20 minutes prior to the events start time. This should allow the event to start on time. The good thing about the fact that we primarily perform battlegroup premades is that it can be started without you, making you have to wait until the next round to start with everyone else.

VoiP Etiquette:

Lets try to keep it as clean as possible. Some people have kids in the same room as they are in and would rather not hear your crude comments/jokes. Breech of VoiP etiquette will result in the same disciplinary actions as in game.

So, these should seem like basics to most people. Which means I shouldn't have to go to far into detail. I like to keep it simple. I hope this works for anyone interested in joining the guild.