Zach Yonzon writer of The Art of War(craft) blog over at, wrote a great article speculating how Guild talents will effect PVP oriented guilds. (Check it out here) He ventures to guess that, like the PVE guild talents, there will be PVP oriented ones. He also worries that it will create an issue for players that enjoy both Raiding and PVP.
Myself, to be honest I've always enjoyed separating my raiding toons from my PVP toons. I like having 2 specs for the given task (ever since we've had dual spec) rather than an off spec being specifically for PVP purposes. Yes this means I level 2 of the same class, but that doesn't really bother me at all, I have 2+ of pretty much every class but Priests at the moment and many people think that is odd, but to me it seems pretty natural because each has their distinction. Even when it comes to pure DPS classes I have chosen to have 2 PVE specs rather than a PVE and a PVP spec. For example my Warlock, I enjoy raiding as affliction, but affliction doesn't really get the love in the fast 5 man random dungeon lifestyle we have going on now, so I added a second spec specifically for farming and 5 mans that employs a Demo/Destro build for snap DPS and a kick ass pet to Cleave everything it sees. My hunter is the same way. I love MM and Survival for raiding, but for farming, and doing yet another task I love (soloing instances), I see no better spec than BM. About the only class I could say I would probably have a PVE and a PVP spec for would be a rogue, but even then I believe that trash and bosses in raiding require different talent allotments, so I have chosen to have 2 different rogues instead.
So... with that curb of text, it begs the question. Can I have both toons in the same guild? The answer sadly has to be "No". Each toons has their own special requirements, and with such should be in two different guilds. But that is my opinion, what's yours?
Another potential guild function I have heard about is farming/AH marketing guilds. Will these guilds receive some passive bonus' for their efforts or will they have to deal with PVE vs. PVP options also?
Well, either way, on both our alliance and horde guilds we will be taking the PVP talents come rated battlegrounds and guild talent pools. So if this is something you're interested in and are either on the Nordrassil server or are looking to re-roll, we welcome any new recruits. Hit up Chrgr or Tinibubbles on the Alliance side, or TLDNR or KTALGSTO on the Horde side.
Until next time. /bow
Exploring the Beauty of 52 Words That End in OW
32 minutes ago
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