Monday, July 19, 2010

Back to the Grind Stone

Well for the next couple days I am back with my face in a book. BUT there is a light at the end of this tunnel... As of Wednesday I will no longer have a 4 pound book strapped to my hip and I will be in Clinicals meaning I will be back up and running again YAY!!!

Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Some Surprises are worth waiting for!!!

I promised a surprise a couple weeks ago. Then some life got in the way. BUT I was able to get everything worked out this weekend to finally get it worked out to properly deliver on my promise!

Before we get into this I want to give a huge thanks to Markco of and JustMyTwoCopper.Org.

I have taken many of his tips and been able to maintain a decent gold amount with very little effort on Nordrassil. This has made my life much easier when it comes to buying gear for my BG excursions. I also have no worries about when it comes to leveling and being able to afford my talents.

So without further ado, 5 questions to help any Strict PVP Leveler start making gold quickly and efficiently!

: I've been a huge fan for several months now, I go back and read as much old posts as possible and I am an avid listener of Castaclysm and Call to Auction. So let's dive right into it.

[Chrgr]: I've seen your posts about your mage on KT, I know you mentioned white quality shoulders as a good break in, but what else would you suggest to break into the AH for someone who doesn't travel the world doing quests or instances?

[Markco]: Enchanting dusts.

[Chrgr]: You highlighted the Snatch feature in a recent blog post. How much gold should someone starting out have before starting to resonably use the snatch feature in Auctioneer?

[Markco]: You can use snatch with only a few silver if you wanted to, but I would recommend resale scans before you get into snatch. Snatch is meant for profession manipulation.

[Chrgr]: Are there BG specific items that can be used to make gold in the AH?

[Markco]: Free action potions.

[Chrgr]: How do you determine the duration (12, 24 or 48 hours) of your listing?

[Markco]: Very complicated question, two quick examples: glyphs 12 hours, bags 48 hours.

[Chrgr]: And finally at what point do you transition from just Auctioneer to other addon's like QA3 etc.?

[Markco]: Once you use professions to make gold instead of just flipping.

[Chrgr]: Thanks again! It's always a pleasure.

Hmm... can't honestly say I've been taking full advantage of some of his tips, until now that is! I will be getting my hands on the materials to make some Free Action Potions starting tomorrow morning! Also I think I have found that second profession for my bank alt of a Death Knight, Enchanting! I also have to say I was always curious how the "professional" auctioneers chose what type of durations to use. I always seem to post on 48 hours and just let it sit. I am going to be trying to post a few of the more critical things (like Glyphs) on a 12 hour scale and see how that does. I'll keep everyone posted on that! I am also going to be re-reading Markco's posts on QA3, Auctioneer and the Snatch Tool.

I also recommend to anyone looking to make some good amount of gold before Cataclysm and going into Cataclysm to go and pick up Markco's 20k Leveling Gold Making Guide. No matter what level you are you should not be without the ability to purchase the items/spells you need. Make sure you can afford your mounts at 20, 40 and 70 (Both regular and Epic flight!). Don't prioritize your spells or gear based on the amount of gold, or god forbid silver that is in your characters pocket.

So thanks again Markco, and remember guys, Check him out on Castaclysm and Call to Auction as well as his blog at JustMyTwoCopper.Org.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

1:7 = Bad Win Ratio

So WSG saw TLDNR and KTALGSTO today over several hours (about 4). It was nice finally getting to sit down and actually having some play time again. But, it also seems that the coordination available today was sub-par at best. We won our first round and lost 7 from there.
The picture shown is of the winning team. And before you say "you probably had more 16-19's than the other team" I should point out that we had 4 people above level 16 and the other team had half of their crew above level 16. It was truly due to how much coordination was happening between those people that were of higher level and the fact that the high level characters knew their role in the game, to retrieve the flag and return it. Where as every round afterwards the high levels seemed to just sit in mid-field farming honor kills and allowing the level 10-13 to try and "win it". And while we may have had a few good attempts, it was made very clear that we were not meant to carry the flag. And 5 out of 7 times we lost 0-3, when we probably could have at least given the Alliance a run for their money.

So, if you have a character on Nordrassil, either Alliance or Horde doesn't matter, and would like to try and make things happen in these BG's hit me up at TakingBackPVP (at) Gmail.Com and we can setup an invite. At the moment it's still only me and KTALGSTO/Tinibubbles in either guild, so we would welcome the company. And once we have at least 5 people in either guild we will begin to schedule PVP premade events.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Real Life Taking the Wheel...

Ok so I have been letting Real Life do the driving lately. Some might know I have been somewhat unemployed for the last 4-6 months. Why I say somewhat is because there are jobs out there that I could do, but my transportation situation went head over heals, also I have been considering a change of fields from Construction, and as of the last two weeks that opportunity has come about. I am currently entering into the Health Care field, I have been taking a very intense C.N.A. class as my first step towards a new career path. This is why I haven't been posting, I haven't had the opportunity to even come online really. BUT, I do have a new video program that I am hoping will work for recording since the last one kind of sucked. So after Wednesday I am doing Clinicals, meaning no more book work, no more class rooms, just eight hour work (Volunteer) days until the end of the month, but what this also means is a very set schedule. So I can start back onto the things that I enjoy, the blog and PVP. YAY!

Lets just hope no more hot weather hits, or else my love for water will flare up and I will probably find myself at the lake or a river for the week ends.

Anyways, that's my update and I hope to get more content out very soon.