Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lure of the Fire Festival

Why is it, whenever a Holiday comes around with PVP centered events, PVP centric people become in high demand despite 90% of the locations not requiring any real PVP?

I have found that I am often requested to assist in PVP centric events due to my aggressive take charge nature that keeps me coming back and trying to kill the opposing faction. I didn't require doing any of the Fire Festival stuff this year on my main, yet I have participated in about 2/3 of the actual events, including assaulting each of the opposing factions major cities. Which only Undercity required any real PVP, the rest were just guards, this included Orgrimmar which did have people guarding the flame, but they focused on me and not my companions, making it very easy to deal with.

Now I'm not complaining I love PVP, especially world PVP, I only plan on PVE realms for the ease of leveling through quests (which I despise), and the fact that there are less people camping certain locations that I enjoy gathering (when I enjoy gathering). So, when the next holiday with PVP centric events comes around I recommend all of you take charge murder's offer your services to the less fortunate (for a nominal fee of course).

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