Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guild Rules

Here are the rules for both guilds, we like to think that most people that would join a social environment would be able to follow the basics of common sense, so these are going to just be basic outlines and can/will be elaborated on as needed.

  1. If you cannot resolve an issue as civilized adults both parties will likely be dismissed from the guild. We are all here to enjoy our time on the game, not put up with drama.
  2. While PvP is encouraged it is not mandatory.
  3. If you sign up for a premade you are expected to show up, even if you are on standby.
  4. Constructive criticism is welcomed, flaming is not.
  5. Offenses will result in one of two disciplinary actions, 1st - you will be spoken to by one of the officers. 2nd - you will be removed from the guild. Some offenses may be deemed worthy of going straight to a gkick, but we would rather resolve the issues as adults.
  6. If you have accepted a premade invitation and do not show you will be put on standby for 2 weeks afterward.

Guild Bank / Item Enhancements:

The guild bank will not be used to store your personal items, or items that are not pertinent to PvP. All items that go into the guild bank will be purchasable through an officer. Many of us have professions that have item enhancements as craftables. These item enhancements will be purchasable based on 6x vendor value.

Established events:

All guild events should have invites started at least 20 minutes prior to the events start time. This should allow the event to start on time. The good thing about the fact that we primarily perform battlegroup premades is that it can be started without you, making you have to wait until the next round to start with everyone else.

VoiP Etiquette:

Lets try to keep it as clean as possible. Some people have kids in the same room as they are in and would rather not hear your crude comments/jokes. Breech of VoiP etiquette will result in the same disciplinary actions as in game.

So, these should seem like basics to most people. Which means I shouldn't have to go to far into detail. I like to keep it simple. I hope this works for anyone interested in joining the guild.

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