Monday, June 7, 2010

PVPing evening of 6/6

So we were able to attempt 3 BG's in out 90 minute time frame on Chrgr and Tinibubbles. This was very interesting as the first one was against a 5 man Horde premade (didn't realize they still existed). The 2nd had a warrior on our side that decided the level 10 was a better flag carrier than him (a level 19 warrior with Ress BoA gear). Both were miserable losses. Tini didn't want to continue, but I smoothed it over and suggested we do just 1 more cause I was certain I would hit level 11 if we did.

So we ventured into the third and final battleground of the night. All but two people were level 15 or below, this did my heart good to see so many low levels trying to attain some experience through PvP, what else did my heart good was that there were only 3 people from the same server on the Horde side. Well the two level 19's went straight for the flag, one branched off and started picking off low level horde while myself and Tini followed the level 19 priest to the flag, he picked it up and we covered his attempt to go cap. Well during this time the Horde had gotten our flag. But by the time we had gotten back to base someone had reclaimed it and we capped. 2nd Horde flag snatch happened within seconds and as I was approaching the base of the Horde GY I suddenly saw a hunter in a pink dress careening past us. At first I was like "GO GO!!" and all excited, then suddenly I realized this person was blinking and wasn't stopping with the speed. Not to mention they didn't have the speed buff from the main tunnel. My suspicions were confirmed when someone else asked what the deal was with the speed hack. Upon further watching this person as they ran back out of our base to drop the flag right infront of the Horde base it was confirmed that they indeed were using a speed hack, and indeed was wearing all white gear and one of those pieces was nothing more than a pink dress.

Hopefully I will have the video up on Youtube by the time this goes out, or within a day from it. We did win, but I feel a little dirty about our second cap, but the other two captures were 100% legit! AND we did in fact ding to level 11 tonight. So after Memorial Day weekend and a bit of a tough week on our mains we are back in the swing of things.

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